My actions and my attitude will always reflect the fear of the Lord.
My appearance will always reveal God’s anointing upon my head.
My head held-high will always acknowledge the Lord, for he shall direct my path.
My feet shall walk in the ways of the Lord for they are right.
My eloquent manner of talking will always be with grace relating the spiritual forces that reside within me.
My illustrious smile will always express the pleasure I receive from living for Christ.
The look in my eyes will always indicate the strength of the Lord and the positive spirit inside me.
Therefore I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me.
I can worship the Lord in the beauty of his holiness.
I can overcome any obstacle of the world.
I can have good success for my steps are ordered by the Lord.
I can accomplish any objective
I will always pray without ceasing
I understand that I am fearfully and wonderfully made and the apple of God’s eye.