LRC Credit Edition Day 4: Grab Free Credit Scores


New to the Live Richer Challenge: Credit Edition? Learn more about it HERE.

Need to catch up? Head here and then come back!

Day 1: Credit Goals

Day 2: Credit Basics

Day 3: Grab Free Credit Reports


Week 1:Credit Knowledge

Day 4: Grab Free Credit Scores

Today’s Easy Financial Task: Get your free credit score

How to rock this task:

  • Learn what a credit score is
  • Learn how to pull your credit score(s) for free

“Another day, another dollar.” Or in this case, another day, another credit task.

Today’s task is all about discussing what a credit score is and how to get access to your credit score(s) for free.


What’s a credit score?

Don’t confuse your credit score with your credit report.

The data on each of your credit reports is analyzed to assign you a credit score that reflects your risk.

A high credit score means you’re a lower risk borrower who is likely to repay debt.

A low credit score means you’re a higher risk borrower that may not be able to repay debt.

Since you have three different credit reports from each major credit bureau, you also have three different credit scores. Depending on where you pull your credit score, you may be able to get credit scores that reflect data from one, two, or all three of the bureaus.

There are several credit score grading systems, including consumer education scores offered by Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. The purpose of consumer education scores are to give us a general sense of where we stand.

These scores are not typically used by the financial industry to make credit decisions.


The FICO Score Model

The top tier credit score model that’s most often used by creditors to judge your creditworthiness is the FICO score model. This is the model we’ll go over in this Challenge since it’s the most widely used version.

FICO scores range from 300 to 850:

  • 751 – 850 – Excellent
  • 701 – 750 – Good
  • 641 – 700 – Fair
  • 581 – 641 – Poor
  • 300 – 580 – Very Poor

Usually, you have to pay for a FICO score, but you can get access to comparable credit scores like the VantageScore for free.

The VantageScore uses a similar system as the FICO score model to arrive at your score and is a valuable way to measure your score growth. We’ll talk about the factors that go into calculating your credit scores tomorrow.
Dream Catcher, you know I have a special place in my heart for you, so I found a place where you can get your FICO score for free. Yes, FREE!


How to Grab Your Free Credit Score(s)

You can hop on over to to get your FICO credit score for free.

You can also check with your bank or credit card company to see if free credit scores are offered to customers. For example, American Express, Bank of America, and Chase all offer free FICO scores if you have certain products.

Once you grab your credit score(s), take a moment to review them.

***Sidebar: Do you have a business? Did you know it has it’s own credit score? Yup! Get your free business score, plus free tips for building business credit here:

If you’re shocked or worried about your score, don’t fret.

During this Challenge (starting next week), I’m going to give you tips to clean up your credit report and show you how you can increase your score by as much as 100 points in a year.

Leave a comment below or reach out to your accountability partners if you have any questions. Don’t forget to check into the Dream Catchers: LIVE RICHER group as well.


Share what you’ve learned today with your tweeps:

Today I got my FICO score for free. Day 4: #LiverichercreditCLICK TO TWEETLive richer,


P.S. Don’t forget to get your free Live Richer Challenge: Credit Edition Starter Kit. Get it HERE.
P.P.S. Here’s a copy of the Challenge Calendar. It’s a fun way to keep track of your progress.


You can also reach out to me here:

Twitter: @thebudgetnista


Facebook:The Budgetnista

Private Forum:Dream Catchers : LIVE RICHER


*** Need Help? Feeling Overwhelmed? Want to work with someone one-on-one to improve your credit? Netiva “The Frugal CrediTnista” is offering her renowned, full credit improvement services & consultations at a special discounted price just for Dream Catchers! Learn more and get the help you need, HERE. ***


Want to work through the Live Richer Challenge: Credit Edition in a workbook? It’s part of a bestselling series and has already hit #1 on Amazon! Get your copy below.

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